Our History

The Kingston quarry began operations prior to 1869 when David H. Mount purchased and expanded the Rocky Hill Quarry Company. This title was transferred to Martin A. Howell in 1872, who provided crushed stone for the construction of roads and railroads. Stone was transported along the Delaware-Raritan Canal.

The quarry was temporarily closed from 1918 to 1930; Theodore Potts reopened the quarry in 1930 and sold it to Linus R. Gilbert, who changed the name to the Kingston Trap Rock Quarry in 1933. The Stavola Family, owners of Trap Rock Industries, purchased the quarry in 1966 and remains at the helm to the present day.

The name Trap Rock comes from the Rock we Quarry. Many places around the World quarry Diabase “Trap Rock”. The Kingston quarry produces some of the finest and most durable Trap Rock in New Jersey. Our Commitment to Quality and service makes Trap Rock industries the leading Crushed stone and Hot mix Asphalt supplier in New Jersey.

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